A visceral and tender road trip film centred around an earth shattering eruption, ́The Scent of Dogs` chronicles the journey of Greer, a young woman dying from a brain tumour, and Michael - her withdrawn Brother who has returned to the family home.
But when Greer suffers a seizure, paralysing her from the neck down, Michael struggles to contain the building pressure, torn between a sense of duty to his Mother and honouring his Sister ́s wishes for an assisted suicide - and in an opportune moment, he steals her away in their Mother ́s car.
The passing countries embolden Greer with a final taste of freedom, and through the joy and despair they experience on the road together and as their shared dependency grows, their bonds of love intensify. But with the snow covered peaks of Switzerland nearing oppressively on the horizon, their journey becomes not only a matter of urgency, but a question of life and death.